Payment of publication on Mastozoología Neotropical

Billetera con tarjetas de crédito
Precio:  No aplica

The publication cost per page amounts to USD 20. It can be paid online by credit card. SAREM accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

SAREM members with no pending dues are entitled to publish free of charge (one author member is enough).

In order to pay the publication in Mastozoología Neotropical you only need to add one item (Quantity: 1) to the shopping basket and proceed to Checkout.

Alternatively, you may add the cost of publication to the basket as well as any other physical items you get interested in, such as books and/or magazines, and then checkout and process all at once. Please note that due to the fluctuation in the value of the dollar publication costs will not be calculated before checkout. Only the cost of all physical items added to the cart will be calculated in advance.

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